Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Is it wrong to smack someone in public....

These are a few of my favorite things that people have said lately... Most of them make me think that smacking someone down in public would probably be somewhat gratifying to me. (That is probably wrong but I can always blame it on raging pregnancy hormones)

1. "Now how many babies are you having?" (As you pick yourself up off of the ground from the massive smack down I just gave you) The answer is 1. I am only having one baby... not two...not three... not a litter. The answer is 1.

2. "You still have not had that baby?" The answer is does it look like I have had this baby? What if I said yes... would you feel bad for calling me fat?

3. "Wow, you are still pregnant" My answer (with a surprised look on my face) "I am?"

4. "Well, it looks like you have a bun in the oven" Really... where did that saying come from? It just sounds stupid.

5. "Oh my, it looks like you are going to have that baby any day." What exactly are you trying to say??? Do I look that round, that swollen, etc?

These are just a few of the things that make me laugh at people and the things that often come out of their mouth.

This last one just takes the cake (and it came out of Kaelin's mouth).

She said "Mom you look very skinny".
I said "Wow Kaelin, that is really nice of you"
Then she started grabbing at my arms and my belly and said "See look at all of this skin".
Her definition of being skinny is having lots of skin.
So that nice comment just totally back fired on me.


kmuel said...

I sware some people are just idiots.

Aiden told me I was the shape of a sphere...thank God for Kindergarten :/

Unknown said...

LOL you totally mad me crack up! when my cousin was pregnant with her first and working at the day care one of the moms actually ask her if she was pregnant one day (when she obviously was) then when she told her yes. she replied with well i wasnt sure i thought you looked plump!...some people dont think about what they say before it comes out for sure. and kaelins comment is definitely great! i havent heard that one before.