Monday, October 4, 2010

Under the weather...

The last week has been torturous. I inherited a nasty cold from Todd or Aunt Debbie. It has completely knocked me on my butt. Although I appreciate everyone trying to share things with me, but I would have much rather shared a batch of cookies or a cake.

I spent the weekend around the house attempting to get as much rest as possible. The problem with having such a nasty cold is that there is very little medicine that I can actually take. The medicines that I can take don't really do anything for me. In fact, a pack of Reese's Pieces do more than Tylenol Cold and Sinus. At least with the Reese's Pieces, I get to enjoy the taste.

I am hoping to be on the up hill side of this cold and praying that I don't pass it on to Kaelin. She has been showing a few symptoms of getting a cold, but nothing severe yet.

Hopefully I am getting all of this junk out of my system before Macie gets here. Once she is here, I will just not have time to be knocked down by a cold.

1 comment:

kmuel said...

Try a neti pot, it was the only thing that worked for me when I was sick! Although, you pretty much have to be willing to do anything to use it, lol. Hope you start feeling better :(