Monday, October 18, 2010


You can officially call us CRAZY for letting Kaelin play so many sports this fall (as if we did not have enough going on in our lives).

We have had to make a calendar just devoted to Kaelin's activities. We are doing tee-ball, soccer, and dance. Yes.... we are INSANE.

We let Kaelin do the three sports because eventually she is going to have to make some choices on what she likes the best and what she is best at. But right now, we thought it would be a good way to stay connected to all of her friends. Last January, I pulled her out of her school in Crosby and moved her to a school in Atascocita, so the only time she really gets to see her friends is when we invite them over or we play sports.

So... welcome to our crazy... wild... about to get crazier and

#11 looking so cute

Getting ready to bat

Actually making contact with the ball

Kaelin has made great improvements to her tee-ball playing skills. Don't get me wrong... she still enjoys doing cart wheels in the outfield and laying in the grass talking with her friends. But she does actually hit the ball and run after the ball when it is hit her way.

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