Friday, October 22, 2010

Today is the Day

Today is the day our life will reach a new level of crazy (who would have thought that would be possible).

I think the reality of having a new baby won't really hit until we are actually home. I am still living under repressed memories on how easy it was having a newborn. In my mind, life was easy with Kaelin. But I do know those are just wishful thinking memories. I am hoping Macie will take it easy on us.

We will head to the hospital this morning and hopefully be playing with Macie by lunchtime. Kaelin is so excited that I don't think she has actually slept well all week. She is border line out of control.

Yesterday (last day of having an only child) left me exhausted and contemplating the idea of having the doctor find a way to leave Macie where she is so I won't be faced with two drama queens. Kaelin put on the show of all shows and gave me the MOTHER of all tantrums (in public). She acted in a way that I have never seen before and truly hope I never see again.

This is how it all went down...
On the way to taking her to school, she decided she did not want to go. She said she wanted to spend the day with me. So, I thought about it and did not have a big problem with her staying home today. But then she remembered that she had a pumpkin project and really wanted to do it, so she changed her mind. She wanted to go to school but to be picked up early.

OK... no problem.

So, I dropped her off with a note with my cell phone number on it. I went and ran some errands, did some work, ate a bite of lunch, and then went back to get her. When I got to her school, it was a little after 1:00 (so she only had 1 1/2 hours left until school was over).

I walked into her school and her class was all lined up. She saw me and said "No mommy, we are about to go to the playground". I said "Ok, do you want me to come back when school is over". Kaelin said "Yes".

So, I get in my car, begin driving out of the parking lot and I see Kaelin climbing the fence at the playground with big tears just streaming down her face. I stop the car, pull back in, go check on her and she is very insistent on saying she has changed her mind that she wants to go with me. So I get her from the playground and we begin to walk back into the school to get her back pack.

This is where she totally losses it. We walk near the school and she begins saying that she has changed her mind she really wants to stay. By this time she is crying. I said "No, Kaelin you have changed your mind twice, you are now going to go home with me." She stood at the school door and began screaming as loud as she could, flailing her arms, and saying "No, I want to stay."

I am mortified by this time. Who is this child that is acting like this? It really could not be my child because I have never seen nor heard this type of behavior.

I go into the school, get her back pack (yes... she is still screaming and yes... people are staring). We walk out of the school, I grab her arm and she begins lifting her feet off the ground (still screaming). I literally drag her to the car. I put her in the back seat and she begins banging on my car window. I am about to freak out by this time. I have never had to deal with this type of tantrum and have no plans on doing so in the future.

So, on the drive home... Kaelin is still screaming. She is so worked up she begins to hyper-ventilate. She begins saying "Mom... my breath is gone". I am really not very sympathetic at this time, so I don't respond. She finally calms down and says...

"Okay, mom, I am ready to go back to school"

What... she has lost her mind if she thinks I would take her back after this massive display she has just put on. So I let her know she won't be going back to school and she begins crying again.

Calagon... Take me away.

We get home and the behavior has eased, but we still had a few breakdowns.

So, now you can see why I am trying to think of a way for the doctor to leave Macie where she is for now because I don't think my nerves can handle much more than Kaelin right now.

Who knows... maybe Macie will be that easy going, low drama, child.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Oh my goodness, I know blogging will be the last thing on your mind, but I cannot wait to see pictures of Macie girl!!! Your pregnancy has TOTALLY flown by (
I know, it's because I wasn't the one with an aching back LOL) Praying for you today friend.