Sunday, October 3, 2010

Soccer Game... Take 2

This weeks soccer game was SOOOO much better than last week. Kaelin had a good time. She even kicked the ball a couple times (major improvement).

Notice all of the bows on Kaelin's soccer shirt and in her hair... at the last game, a little girl on the other team was a super star. Kaelin immediately noticed the bows on her shirt and in her hair. Kaelin said that was what made her run so fast and kick the ball so good. She said if she had bows on her shirt and in her hair that she would be able to play better. So... I put bows on her shirt and in her hair. Whatever it takes to play better....

Todd and Kaelin (#2)

Way to go Kaelin... she was right in the mix with all of the other kids. (Major improvement)

Run... Kaelin... Run (she really can out run everyone on her team and the other teams... it is just all of the other stuff like kicking the ball that doesn't happen very often)

Kaelin had a great game. In fact, as the game was ending, she went out on one end of the field and began doing cart wheels for everyone. I did not get a picture of the cart wheels because I had already put my camera away, but take my word for it... they were hilarious.

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