Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Happy 1 Month Birthday Macie

Last night, we celebrated Macie's 1 month birthday. It is amazing how much can change in 1 month. 1 month ago, we were not changing diapers, washing bottles, looking for burp rags, trying to find the missing pacifier, packing diaper bags, or doing the majority of our shopping on the baby aisles.

Macie has definitely added a new level of craziness to our wild and crazy life and I would not change a thing. She is a very sweet baby (with an evening attitude). She is into discovering new things. She has figured out that the animals on her baby swing move- that keeps her occupied for quite a while. She recognizes voices and tries sooooo hard to find out who is talking. She is holding her head up, looking around, sleeping pretty good, eating like she is practicing for the competitive eating circuit, and snuggling with anyone that will snuggle her. She has begun to tolerate baths and diaper changes (not liking them, but finally succumbing to the fact that they are part of a babies life).

What... I am 1 month old today?

The best big sister in the world helped Aunt Debbie make 1 month birthday cupcakes for Macie. She was so proud of herself. She would do ANYTHING for her little sister. It is so sweet to watch.

Happy 1 Month Birthday Macie!!!!

This picture cracks me up because it looks like Macie is about to blow out the candle. This is just so sweet. Big Sister and Little Sister.

Little Sister rocking the hair bow

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