Monday, November 8, 2010

Monday... grrr...

So, today was slightly better than the weekend, but NOT by much.

The second half of the can of soup ended up on the living room floor along with the first half that landed on the floor on Saturday. No joking.... I could not make this stuff up if I tried.

Macie decided that sleeping was not for her last night, so from 3 AM on, we were awake. The poor girl is a bottomless pit. I can't seem to fill her little tummy up, so we are looking at introducing rice cereal in the next week or so.

Macie decided to sleep almost all day, despite my efforts to wake her up. When I finally got Kaelin to lay down and fall asleep for a much needed nap, Macie decided her nap was over. This results in NO NAP for Mommy. GRRRR......

On a positive note... I went to the doctor, incision has healed beautifully, so I was cleared to run. Kaelin and I loaded Macie up in the stroller and set out for a 1 mile run this afternoon. There was nothing impressive about the run. It was slow... painful on the knees... but I finished and am ready to try it again tomorrow. The Houston Marathon is in January and I have a long road ahead of me.

Will tonight be any better???? Probably not, seeing as how Macie chose to sleep most of the day away.

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