Friday, November 5, 2010

Two weeks old

Macie is two weeks old. Time is flying by way too fast. I feel like I should start exploring college options next week.

Macie is still a great sleeper. She had a couple of nights where she preferred to "hang out" rather than sleep, but luckily that has changed. I tried explaining to her that we "hang out" during the day and we sleep in the night. I think she understood.

She is a great eater. She loves her big sister. When she hears Kaelin's voice, she begins looking around to see where she is. (Usually she does not have to look far because Kaelin is usually smothering her with love, hugs, and kisses)

My two favorite girls in the whole world...

Macie has been playing on her entertainment mat. She is aware of the lights and the toys.

At two weeks old, Macie is very alert and loves looking at all the things around her

Two weeks old and growing bigger and stronger every day. (Yes, she has part of her sleeper unbuttoned- I guess she got hot in the night)

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