Monday, November 1, 2010

Trick or Treating with the Rock Stars

Halloween 2010 proved to be one of the best yet. We did not do all of the running around that we usually do because Kaelin is very focused on the whole Trick or Treating process. She really got into going up to people's door and ringing the door bell.

Trip got to come trick or treating with us, so that made it that much more fun for Kaelin. She thinks trip hung the moon, so Halloween was extra special for her.

Our little pumpkin got to watch her sister and cousin trick or treat a few houses, then we headed back to hand out candy to trick or treaters that came to our house. (Is my bow too big????- no, there is just so such thing as too big)

Elvis and Taylor Swift preparing to go out and score some major loot

Taylor Swift


Just think, next year, the little pumpkin will be trying to keep up with her big sister as they get to enjoy trick or treating together.

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