Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Mommy Tales

This is just a brief list of "Mommy Tales". This is my brief list of craziness that has gone in the last 2 1/2 weeks.

I know I took a shower, I just can't remember what day that was.

My pajamas smell like milk and it doesn't even bother me.

I can answer the question "when was the last time you had makeup on?" But my answer is in months rather than a week or day.

I love when I go to change Macie's diaper, just to open it up, pull it off, and then she starts peeing all over whatever she is wearing, me, her blanket, etc.

I also love to change a diaper, just to get the new one fastened and hear her pooping in the brand new diaper. So, I don't even bother buttoning or snaping her clothes because I know another diaper change is in my near future.

Just when I think I am about to get a MUCH NEEDED nap... I get Kaelin to lay down, finally fall asleep, then Macie wakes up. Thanks girls... can you please get on the same schedule. Your mommy could really benefit from a little sleep.

I also love it that my maternity clothes are the only things that fit and I am pretty comfortable in them. How long is TOO long to wear maternity clothes???

I am Macie's own personal vending machine. She thinks this vending machine should be open 24 hours a day for her snacking pleasure. She must have a hollow leg because she never seems to be full.

Why does it take over an hour just to get the gear together and get in the car and attempt to make a trip to Wal-mart or the grocery store?

I am sure there will be many more Mommy Tales to come.


Amanda said...

Oh my mercy!!! I seriously NEEDED that laugh. I can so relate to the "my pj's smell like milk and I don't even care" LOVE IT!!!! Thanks for making my afternoon a little happier in knowing that I am not the only one!!!

Anonymous said...

Ok- just read this episode aloud to Laura. Between the two of us we can relate to everything you've talked about except matters pertaining specifically to Kaelin. We just chuckled and said that has been our last week, which also happens to be our first week as parents! Thanks for encouraging us through letting us know we're not the only ones! -Jarrod & Laura