Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Day Two of Swimming Lessons

Day 2 of swimming lessons was MUCH MUCH better than day 1.

I still think there was a look of dread on the swim instructors face when she saw that we were back....

Kaelin did so good. She had a few minor breakdowns, but for the most part, she did great. She still conned one of the sweet young swim instructors into holding her when she was not doing anything.

Why the big difference... BRIBERY... yes, I said bribery. What better to bribe Kaelin with than clothes. I told her if she did really good in swimming and did not pitch a fit the whole time that I would let her get a new bathing suit. It worked... Now, I am at a loss for tomorrow. I am NOT buying a bathing suit every day. (At least I am hoping that is not what I have to resort to).

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