Monday, June 22, 2009

Where have we been?

You may be wondering where in the world we have been lately...

First, we finished swimming lessons EXTREMELY successfully. No, Kaelin is not diving into the deep end and working on her Olympic time trials. But, she is not crying every time she steps into the pool. In fact, she cries when you tell her she can not get into the pool or it is time to get out of the pool. We are making progress. She starts another round of swimming lessons in one week.

Aunt Debbie and Uncle Truman gave Kaelin a "Congratulations on your swim lessons" present. They told her if she did a good job in her swim lessons and stopped crying every time we went, they would give her something special. They gave Kaelin her very own IPOD shuffle. Kaelin calls it an ear pod. Kaelin sees me where my IPOD when I go run and she always wants to listen to it when I get home, so now she has her very own. I put all of her favorite music on it. This include 41 songs off of the Dora the Explorer music CD (thanks to my friend Lisa). Now, I don't have to listen to this CD in my car anymore, Kaelin can just listen to it on her IPOD. The funniest thing is when Kaelin gets to one of her favorite songs on her IPOD, she sings so incredibly loud. It is absolutely hilarious. I will try to video her singing. (She is not going to win American Idol anytime soon).

After swimming lessons on Thursday, we headed up to Corsicana for Tori's wedding (Todd's niece). Since the wedding reception was being held at the farm, we had a lot of work to do. The temperature stayed 100+ the entire time we were there and that is HOT!!!! I got a little (no a lot) sunburned on Saturday from setting up the reception tables. Kaelin played in the swimming pool, rode the four liter (we know is as a 4 wheeler, but Kaelin knows it as a 4 liter), played with the dogs, goats, and any other animal she could find.

We are home for a couple of days and then leaving to go to New Braunfels. Kaelin and I are going to have to spend the day watering our plants and grass. They are out there screaming for a drink of water.

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