Friday, June 5, 2009

Doctor and a movie

Today was Kaelin's 3 year checkup. Everything went great. She is a perfect little three year old (but I knew that).

She is 37 inches tall and weighs 30 pounds. She is in the 75th percentile in height and weight. She is going to be tall (she must get that from me... ha ha).

The doctor checked her blood pressure, listened to her heart, checked ears, nose, eyes, and mouth. She had Kaelin jump and talk to check motor skills. Everything was great.

Then I had to write a check for $138.00. (Don't forget... we have already made one trip to the doctor this week which cost $68 and medicine was another 50 something- no new shoes this week). WOW... why do I even have insurance? I found out today that my wonderful insurance covers the well baby checkups only up to 2 years old. What... I guess after two years old, they don't need check ups anymore.

But, after the doctor, Kaelin and I met my friend Lisa and her kids, Addison and Bryson at the movies. We saw the new Disney movie "Up". It was really cute, I loved it.

Let me get on my soap box one more time...
The price of movie tickets is ridiculous. $9.50 per ticket. But even more ridiculous than that is the price of popcorn and drinks. Cost of a coke and bag of popcorn is $11.50. That is highway robbery. So, if you add this up... 9.50 (1 ticket) + 11.50 for snacks= $21.00. You can buy new releases on DVD for about $19.99, then you can watch the movies as many times as you want. So what if they are not the newest thing in theaters, as long as I have not seen it, then it is new to me.

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