Monday, June 1, 2009

Not me Monday

Here is my "Not Me Monday"... I am not at all exhausted

Kaelin did not go to a swimming birthday party Saturday night and she most definitely did not get bit by something (spider or wasp). Her leg definitely did not swell up and get all infected. I also did not have to leave school at 10:00 this morning to take her to the doctor. Those things don't happen on Monday's. Mondays are calm and relaxing days. The doctor did not tell us that her leg had a pretty nasty bacterial infection. He also did not charge us $68.00 for something I knew was the problem to begin with, I just needed the prescription for antibiotics. I also did not have to pay $52.46 to have the prescription filled. Those things would just be absurd. I also did not have to buy Kaelin some special band aids, a sucker, and something to drink just to convince her to take the yucky medicine.

On a more positive note, after the exciting morning at the doctor's office, Kaelin and I met some teacher friends at a fabulous Italian restaurant.

Then we went to a farewell party for another friend of mine. I told Kaelin we were going to a party. She said "A birthday party?" I told her no, it is a farewell party. She said "I just love ferris wheels." I tried to explain that it was farewell, not ferris wheel. It did not sink in. As soon as we got to the party, she went in and asked everyone where the ferris wheel was. I then had to explain to them what she was referring to. It was too funny.

Here is a super cute picture of Kaelin. My friend Judy made this dress for her along with the fuzzy flip flops. I gave it to Kaelin and she immediately began stripping her clothes off so she could put it on. She absolutely loved it.

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