Wednesday, June 3, 2009

How far can your car go?

If you have ever wondered just how far you can drive with your gas light on, it is longer than you probably think.

I managed to make it two full days with my gas light on. When I finally made it to the gas station this morning, my car was so empty it would not even start again.

So, I now know just how far I can drive before having to get out and push the car.

Update on Kaelin's leg...
It is looking better, not great, but better. The swelling is finally beginning to go down. She goes back to the doctor on Friday for another look (and another $68). She hates the medicine, but with a little bribery, she takes it. We bribe her with Dairy Queen, suckers, etc. She now knows the routine, so when you tell her she has to take her medicine, she now wants to know what she will get. She catches on quick. Because I feel so sorry for her and the medicine tastes and smells horrible, I cave into her requests pretty easy.

Tomorrow is my last day of school and my last day at my current job. WooHoo!!!

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