Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Play Date

One of Kaelin's favorite friends, Laney, got to come over today. Words can't even describe how excited those girls were to see each other. They are definitely girls because the high pitched squealing could probably be heard a few blocks away.

I talked to Laney's mom yesterday afternoon to set up a play date for Thursday. Laney started crying while we were on the phone because she wanted to play with Kaelin. So I told Tara to bring her over while she ran her errands. Laney came over and Kaelin had an entire afternoon planned for them.

We set the water slide up and they played on that for about 3 hours. They ate two Popsicles each. They played in Kaelin's sand box and her little house. They found fun in dumping blue and green sand in each others hair. I tried to clean them up, but I even found sand IN Kaelin's ears. I will probably be cleaning sand for days.

Those girls had such a good time. Laney is a friend that Kaelin met at her school. Today reassured me that trying to put Kaelin back in her school in Crosby with her friends is a really good idea. She has made some awesome friends at her school and I don't really want to take her away from them.

When Laney left, Kaelin was exhausted. Being that excited and playing so hard really wears a girl out. Kaelin got a blanket and fell asleep in a chair in the living room. She NEVER does that, so I know she was just beat.

Update on Kaelin's new room...
Todd got more work done than I did. He is just about finished with her new bookshelf. I began the process of stripping the paint off of her headboard and foot board. I bought MORE paint. That is about all of the work that got done today.

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