Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Convenience vs. What is best?

I wrote about Kaelin changing schools a couple of months ago (Here is the story). Well.... that has caused quite a ruckus around our house. Kaelin finally figured out that a new school meant she would not be with her friends that she has known for two years now.

Once she finally put two and two together, #2 began to hit the fan.

Kaelin tried to convince me to stay home with her next year and take her to her "own" school. I told her I would love to be able to stay home with her, but I had to work so we could have nice things. Since she is such a shoe hound, I tried to involve shoes in my explanation. I told her if I did not work, we would not be able to buy new shoes. She thought about it for a while and then said "Mom, I really have enough shoes, I don't need anymore." WHAT... my child... enough shoes... I knew we had a problem on our hands when she was willing to sacrifice shoes.

I told Todd about our conversation and how badly she was wanting to go back to her school with her friends. We both agreed that she would probably be the happiest with her friends, so we set out on a quest to try to make it work. I was not going to be able to leave work at 2:00 this year to be able to pick her up, so I knew we were going to have to do some searching to find a solution.

We don't have a solution set in stone yet, but we are working on it. I called her school to see if they had an opening in the 3 year old class. THEY DO!!! Thank you Jesus. Todd went and picked up the paperwork. I have been in contact with Kaelin's friend Laney's mom. She has offered to take and pick Kaelin up from school. The school director has also said she would be happy to keep Kaelin as well. Things are slowly falling into place... just not set in stone yet.

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