Sunday, August 9, 2009

Annie Oakley is in town

I have waged a war against the squirrels in my backyard. I am typically a squirrel loving (or at least liking or tolerating) person. But right now, I am at my wits end with the squirrels.

Earlier in the summer I planted about 15 tomato plants in my backyard. I am not much of a gardener, but I really love fresh tomatoes. Kaelin and I planted these tomatoes, by seed, back in December. We kept them in little cups in the kitchen until about March. Kaelin would check the plants daily to see if they needed water. So these tomatoes have kind of become a labor of love issue with us. Evidently the squirrels think I planted them for their enjoyment. The squirrels have gorged themselves on all of my tomatoes. As soon as the tomatoes began to turn red, the squirrels took them. Then when the red ones were all gone, they went on to the green ones. We have no more tomatoes and way too many FAT squirrels.

So, today, Todd went to Wal-mart and bought me a BB gun. Since I have never shot a gun or had any desire to shoot a gun, he had to give me some lessons in the backyard. (There are a lot of steps required just to get one little BB out of the gun).

I don't think the gun is powerful enough to kill the squirrels (because that is not really my intentions). I just want to give them a good sting so they will remember it the next time they think about coming near my garden.

My fear...

The garden runs along the side and back of our above ground swimming pool, so I can just see myself trying to shoot at a squirrel and putting a BB through the side of the pool. That could be a HUGE mess.

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