Monday, August 3, 2009

when 5 minutes turns into 2 hours

Have you ever had one of those days or tried to complete one of those tasks where you thought you would be spending maybe 5 minutes completing it, just to find out that your "5 minutes" has just turned into hours?

I often have these kinds of days. My multi-tasking abilities are fading and my ability to not fully complete any tasks are on a steady incline. Is it age... is it having a three year old... who knows?

I got this bright idea after cleaning up the dinner dishes... I thought I would run some vinegar through the coffee pot to clean it. Sounds simple, right?

So I put the vinegar in the coffee pot.

But, I fill it way TOO FULL...

It overflows onto the counter, which then goes all behind the refrigerator.

I have to get Todd to help move the refrigerator.

I began cleaning up the water with a towel and quickly realized a few towels were not going to get this mess cleaned.

I go get the vacuum cleaner and begin sucking up all the water.

I notice some MONSTER dust bunnies trying to sneak out of the vent on the refrigerator.

So, I begin taking off all of the vents and cleaning the monster bunnies.

I mop behind the refrigerator.

I take the front vents off and vacuum them.

I take the cleaner and spray all of the spots on the refrigerator. (some requiring some intensive scrubbing)

Finally, I am able to put the refrigerator back.

So, back to my original task of cleaning the coffee pot. (1 1/2 hours later)

The vinegar runs through the coffee pot.

I pour it back in and run it through again.

Then I begin running a couple of pots of water through it to get rid of the vinegar smell.

Then, all of the steam causes the clock on the coffee pot to get moisture in it and quite working.

Now, time for a new coffee pot, clock not working and the inside of the coffee pot is repulsive (don't ever open your coffee pot up and do any type of serious inspecting because you will end up in my boat)

Now my house smells like we have been dying Easter eggs, my automatic timer and clock don't work (so this means no coffee waiting for me when I walk down the stairs) and even if we did have coffee in there, I don't think I could drink it since I now know what lies at the bottom of the pot.

Points to my story...
5 minutes is never 5 minutes.
There are some things you are much better not knowing.
Dust bunnies can grow to a scary size.
Vinegar does not REALLY clean the coffee pot... It might help, but it will still be repulsive in the end.
I am very grumpy in the morning without my sludgy coffee waiting for me.


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