Thursday, August 13, 2009

You are all invited...

Tomorrow is my last day of summer and I am not happy about it. I have been throwing myself a pity party all week.

So, tomorrow, everyone can join in on my pity party.

Date: August 14, 2009

Time: All Day

Place: where ever you currently are

What to bring: an enormous amount of pity, a grumpy attitude (or you can borrow mine if you don't have one of your own), a lot of whine (or wine), the ability to mope around the house, and an occasional tear of sorrow
(okay, I know I have been off since June 5, but it is still not any easier)

Tomorrow will be my last day to sleep in. (Even though I don't sleep much past 6:30, I will have to begin getting up at 5:00 again)

Tomorrow is the last day for just hanging out with Kaelin all day long. (This is what I will miss the most!!)

Tomorrow is the last day for waking up and putting on a bathing suit and not changing until bedtime. (Bathing suits are out of school dress code otherwise I might try it)

Tomorrow is my last day for meeting different friends and family for lunch. (We are meeting Mrs. Mary tomorrow)

Tomorrow is my last day to sneak a nap when Kaelin is napping. (My job might not understand if I took a nap in the afternoons)

I know I will have the weekends and the occasional holiday, but since it is MY PITY PARTY I am just going to complain about all the things I am going to miss about summer. I am sure there are others in my same boat and it is no fun. I keep thinking I will win the lotto and finally get to stay at home with Kaelin, but I guess I will have to buy a ticket for this to even be an option.

I could be that person that takes the high road and looks at all of the fun things they did over the summer and what they are looking forward to during the school year, but I am not that person (at least not today, maybe tomorrow once my pity party is over).

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