Monday, August 10, 2009

Soccer Camp Day 1

Soccer Camp started Monday...

If you have never had the privilege of watching three year olds play soccer, I highly recommend it. If nothing else, you will be rolling on the ground laughing at some of the things they do (especially if it is not your child doing those things).

Kaelin was so excited about soccer camp. In fact, she had a hard time sleeping Sunday night. But not a hard time taking a nap on Monday after soccer. That girl slept for three hours. She was completely wiped out.

There coach (Coach Mark) is from a small town about two hours outside of London. He was only 20 years old, but incredibly patient with three year olds. The kids were having a hard time understanding some of the things he would say. He just did not have that slow Texas draw that Kaelin is used to. He asked them to make a sound like a "Cah" or we would say "car" (with a lot of emphasis on the R. The kids all just looked at him, finally another parent went out and Texafied it for them so the kids would understand. I am sure the coach was thinking "what a bunch of dumb kids, they don't even know how to make a "cah" sound."

This is coach Mark in the yellow and his 3 year old soccer team eagerly waiting for him to give them their next order. (Notice... one kid sitting down, Kaelin already playing something, and yes there was a kid picking his nose. Nothing like being 3.)

They played lots of games (what else can you do with a bunch of three year olds). This game was King Crab. The kids had to keep the ball away from the snapping crab. Kaelin liked this game, but she did get her ball caught, so she had to be the crab.

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