Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Warning... Gross things

I am giving you fair warning. The following stories are a little gross, but also a little funny. Anyone that knows me, knows that I would prefer to share gross stories at dinner time. I think I do it because I like to see Todd's reaction. He is always saying things like "could that not have waited?" or "Do you save up these stories just for dinner?" (secretly, the answer is yes, I do save these stories for dinner)

Gross Story 1: We had Trip stay the day with us today, so Trip and Kaelin were playing in the pool. (I did not even get any pictures, shame on me). I had my bathing suit on in the backyard (NO... that is not the gross part). I did not get in the pool, I just pulled some weeds in the flower beds. When we came in the house, I helped Kaelin change out of her wet bathing suit. I went to tuck her into bed for a nap. She said "Mom, why are you so wet?" I said "because we just got out of the swimming pool." She said "But you did not go swimming with us." I had to stop and think about it. She was right, I did not get in the pool. So why was I so wet. I was honestly that sweaty. Sweaty enough that I really could have just gotten out of the pool. Once I realized that, I had to hurry to clean up and change clothes. It was truly hot outside, but that was EXTREMELY GROSS to be that incredibly sweaty.

Gross Story 2: (which involves #2- how appropriate) Kaelin was getting ready to take a nap, so I asked her if she needed to go to the bathroom before she laid down. She said yes. She was sitting there just talking non stop (something she does when she is trying to avoid acknowledging just how tired she is). She told me the poo poo's were sleeping, but the tee tee's were not so they could come out. Then she said "shh, can you hear that?" I said "no". She said "It is some poo poo's that are talking. The talking poo poo's have to come out so they don't wake up the sleeping poo poo's". I was trying not to laugh because I knew that would just put her on the stage she was looking for. So I went over to help her wipe. She got off of the potty and said, "look mom, it is the talking poo poo" Then she looked at me and said "It really does not look like a poo poo, it looks like a mashed potato." So I really did start laughing when she said that. We had seriously just carried on a conversation about poop.

Gross Story 3: The other day Kaelin and I were at the grocery store and I caught her eating the ice that was in the seafood cooler. It has been a few days ago, so she has not come down with some strange disease or grown a third eye ball. But really, can you think of anything more disgusting than that? I thought I was going to throw up right in the store. (That might have been slightly more repulsive.)

Enough of the gross stories for now, but I promise to share more later. I have PLENTY!!!

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