Monday, August 31, 2009

Recap the weekend

So, as you can tell, we are back to school at a fast and furious pace. The blog posts seem to be getting further apart. Sorry about that.

Kaelin continued her hibernation the remainder of the week and again today. She was just worn out. Every afternoon she goes straight to bed and sleeps until about 7:00 PM, wakes up briefly, then back to bed she goes.

Today, I went to pick Kaelin up at 3:40, she was asleep on Tara's couch. The TV was on, Laney was playing and Kelly was sitting next to Kaelin. But the sleepy bear did not budge. I picked her up, still asleep. I carried her to the car, still asleep. I got home and carried her up to her room, still asleep. She finally woke up at 6:30, but she could have easily gone right back to sleep. We will have to see what tomorrow brings.

On top of being in a new routine, Kaelin is also going through a growing spurt. This always causes her to be abnormally sleepy. She has grown 2 inches since May 24. WOW!!!! So at this rate, she will probably be taller than me by Christmas. (Yes... I realize this won't be that big of an accomplishment, since I am still trying to tip the 5 foot mark)

So this weekend, we went to Corsicana for Todd's Godparent's 60th wedding anniversary. No, that is not a typo... it is truly 60th. WOW!!! You don't see this kind of commitment very often anymore.

Kaelin also got to sow her redneck oats while she was in Corsicana. Todd set up his 22 gun to have a little target practice and my little Annie Oakley got her first lesson in gun safety and shooting a 22. I guess all of the squirrel shooting I have done in the backyard has worn off on Kaelin. Don't all mothers allow their 3 year old daughters to learn how to shoot a gun????

Now, depending on who you are and how in touch with your redneck side you are, this is where you either say "Ahhh, how cute..." or you say "Oh my... where in the world is this child's mother?"

Daddy...this gun shooting thing is really loud

Yes, she is wearing a very dolled up pair of overalls. You must still be cute when learning to shoot your own dinner. Kaelin was really proud of herself for learning to shoot a gun. Now they are all safely locked out of her reach. (So, don't worry)

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