Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Water Day

Today was Water Day at her school. She had an amazing time.
It was also Kaelin's last day of school this year... boo hoo...

Only in pre-school...
  • are the students sad that school is over
  • you still get to bring nap mats to school (probably a good thing these aren't allowed in high school --- for many reasons)
  • you get only rewards and praises... no stinky report card or progress reports
  • if you get in trouble, your parents have to come deal with it... (oh boy... this would be an interesting concept in high school)
  • your school day begins with a snack and some juice (I could seriously get used to that)
  • your routine revolves around gym time, story time, craft time, lunch time, and rest/nap time (again... my kind of day)

We have enrolled Kaelin in a new school next year and we are just torn about doing it. Kaelin will absolutely love her new school, but she is going to miss all of her friends soooooooo much.

Here are some pictures of Kaelin at her Water Day. I took so many pictures, but only put a few on here. Take a minute to think when you had this kind of enjoyment.... I can think of many things that make me happy, fun times I have had, and things that have made me laugh. But I could not come up with a situation where I had this kind of fun. (I am sure I have had this kind of fun, but it was probably so long ago that those brain cells have gotten dust on them or are no longer in use--- I have many other unused brain cells, so they are not lonely by any means).

Here I come...

Ahhhh... Kaelin and her best little buddy, Laney were having a blast.

All I need in life is a swimming pool, some super cool beach balls, and a couple of good friends to play with.

So (another example of the unused or misplaced brain cells)... I ordered 48 bags of different flavors of cotton candy for Kaelin's carnival party. This was one of the main carnivalish things I worked so hard on. So... why did I still have 48 bags of cotton candy at the end of the day. I forgot to give out the cotton candy.... oops... But, I solved the problem. I took all 48 bags of cotton candy to Kaelin's school and gave them to all of the kids in her class. Those kids were bouncing off of the walls from the incredibly intense sugar rush (totally out of control)... Note to Parents... sorry about that. Kaelin got to hand out all of the cotton candy and she had such a blast doing it. The kids loved it (okay, so I might have snuck a bag myself... I said might... I am not officially admitting anything).

We did not get enough water at school today, so we (after a nap... I might have taken a nap also... Again... I said might... I (again) am not admitting to anything) had to play outside with our new beach ball sprinkler and swim in our pool.

Summer is on the way... today really made me feel like it was here...
Except, I still have a brutal 4:30 AM wake up call/buzz that will remind me that summer is still a few weeks away.

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