Monday, May 18, 2009

Do you have a fishing wand?

This made me laugh...

Kaelin made Todd a "tackle box" at school. It was made out of an egg carton. They made a handle and then filled the tackle box with gold fish crackers, swedish fish candies, and gummy worms. This was the Father's Day present she made at school.

When she gave it to him, this initiated a conversation about going fishing. Kaelin likes the idea of going fishin (although she has never really fished). Kaelin came upstairs and asked me if we could go buy her a fishing wand. I said "A fishing wand?". She said, yes, you know the pole thing.

Oh, of course, a fishing wand. I like the idea of a fishing wand much better than a fishing pole. This sounds so much more fun. Kaelin can glam up even the boring things. I might even go fishing if I had a fishing wand.

Another cute story...
Todd bought Kaelin an ankle bracelet for her birthday. I got an ankle bracelet for Mother's Day and Kaelin thought it was the most fabulous thing ever. She began putting all kinds of necklaces and bracelets around her ankle. So, Todd had a real ankle bracelet made for her. She was ecstatic. She wanted to sleep in it, but I was able to confiscate it from her. She kept telling Todd she loved her ankle bracelet and then she said one of the sweetest things... She told Todd she was so excited and that the bracelet made her heart feel happy.
I loved it... how true... I just love it when things make even my heart feel happy. That is a great way to express your gratitude.

1 comment:

Kathy Lyn said...

Aww, I'm glad the ankle bracelet was a hit. That makes me very happy.