Saturday, May 23, 2009

It's been a while

You might have wondered where we have been the last few days...
1) Did we just not have anything to say?
2) Did we just not have time to sit down and say what we had to say? (Highly possible)
3) Did we revert back to the pre-Internet days due to some less than competent people trying to call themselves "Tech Support"?

If you guessed #3, you are the winner...

On Thursday, we did not have Internet access... I think I even went to bed early because I got out of my evening routine. I thought maybe our Internet service was just down.

Friday, I came home... same thing... no Internet... What is a girl to do with no Internet??? I felt totally lost. So, in a moment of weakness, I called our Internet service provider (Verizon), which just led to raised blood pressure, extreme frustration, and a brutal reminder of the lack of customer service we actually recieve these days.

After two hours of being treated like I have never touched a computer before and speaking to people who have never touched a foot on American soil, I went to bed with still NO INTERNET...

Woke up Saturday morning and the quest for Internet service resumed. I went to Wal-mart (not exactly the hot spot for picking up technology equipment). I bought a new modem...Brought it home and it was the wrong modem. After Kaelin's nap, we went to Best Buy (a better selection of technology than Wal-mart) and bought another modem. Got it home, hooked it up, and still NOTHING.... I am ready to scream by this point... In fact I did scream... Then I picked up the phone to deal with Verizon AGAIN... I did get someone with half a brain this time, so that was an added bonus. I described my quest in restoring my connection to the rest of the world and then come to find out... Verizon does not support the model of modem I purchased. They support the brand, but not the model... I said (as calmly as possible)... WHAT... YOU MUST BE KIDDING...
Verizon is mailing me a new modem that they do support (FOR FREE)...

After getting off of the phone and undoing all of the setting changes the moron I spoke with yesterday made me do, I (at 10:30 PM) finally restored my Internet connection. (Huge sigh of relief).

I have been so totally lost without my method of communication with the world. Isn't this just sad and pathetic. I have come to treat the computer as one of my appendages. This is just sick.

This is how dependent I am...

I got out my cell phone and used the Internet on it to keep up with some things.

I don't think I even know how to read a newspaper that is not online anymore. Those things that get thrown in your driveway are just used for spanking the dogs when they potty on the floor.

I had to search for the weather channel on the satellite. (again, another one of my computer tasks)

My cell phone lets me read blogs but I can't login to write a new post (this just makes me mad).

I had to use my cell phone to pay for a dress I bought Kaelin off of e-bay. I actually paid the lady three times for the same dress because I could not find out how to submit my payment. (Now I am having to deal with that mess of getting a refund for my extra two payments).

I guess I could have gone old fashioned and mailed letters rather than e-mailing... oh wait... I don't even have the correct stamps (because they have a rate increase every couple of weeks)... It is getting more pratical for me just to walk letters (barefooted over hot coals) to the recipient than pay the ridiculous amount for stamps...

I really need to get off of my soap box tonight. You can probably tell my level of frustration has not exactly diminished yet.

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