Monday, May 11, 2009

Five Days until we say bye bye two's

Five days until the carnival comes to town.
Five days until my two year old enters the land of the threes.
Five days until we get birthday cake.
Five days until my kitchen becomes a kitchen rather than a staging area for party supplies.
Five days until we get to see family and friends we have not seen in a while (and those we have seen recently)

Dinner Menu: (Another Kaelin favorite menu)
Garlic Bread with Cheese (Kaelin buttered the bread)
Cheese Cake

I took some cute pictures of Kaelin. She helped make the spaghetti. By helping, I mean she add the noodles as soon as they were cool enough to touch and by eating the butter as fast as she was spreading it on the toast.
*** Check out the absolutely adorable dress. My friend Judy sews beautifully. So I bought a few dresses for Kaelin for her birthday. Kaelin is getting to wear a new one everyday.--- Did I over buy? No... not me...

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