Sunday, May 31, 2009

Weekend in review....

We had a busy, but exciting weekend.
Saturday, we ran in the Astro's Race for the Pennant. Kaelin ran a 1K and Todd and I ran in the 5K.
Saturday evening, we went to Addison's birthday party. It was a swim party and was a total blast.
Saturday night was monumental.... Kaelin asked if she could sleep in her big girl panties rather than a pull up. I said yes, of course. She did not have an accident. WooHoo.... another pay raise. We are so proud of her.
Sunday's were made for being lazy. We lounged in the pool, played on the water slide, and grilled hamburgers. It does not get any better than this. Trip was at the house this weekend, so Kaelin had a partner in crime. They played so hard on the water slide. JW tried to tame the inflatable turtle in the pool, but he had no luck. He got bucked off every time.

Doesn't this look fun???? (I tried it, it is fun)

Try again, maybe this time you won't get bucked off....

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