Thursday, May 7, 2009

Shout out to "Ankle" J

I thought I would take a minute to give a "shout out" to my brother J.W. I know he reads our blog and I wanted to take a minute to tell him how much he means to me/us. I don't think he gets to hear enough positive things and we wanted to make sure he truly knows what we think. (Yes, we do tell him in person... we just wanted everyone else to also know).

Kaelin loves her "Ankle" J. Yes, she refers to him as Ankle rather than Uncle. Kaelin absolutely loves her cousin Tripper. So of course, since Ankle J is Tripper's Daddy, she loves him just as much.

I asked her what she loved most about Ankle J. She said "I like it when he swings Tripper and me." (I am assuming the swings at Pawpaw's house).

I asked her what she wants to say to Ankle J. She said "When can Tripper come play?"

I asked her what she likes about Ankle J. She said "He covers me with blankets when I am cold."

If you know Kaelin, you know she is a child of memory. She forgets nothing and remembers everything (even the things you don't want her to put to memory... forget about it ... they are stored forever).

Kaelin loves her Ankle J and has nothing but positive, wonderful things to say about him and to him. I completely agree with her. Despite trials and tribulations... he is awesome.

I can't think of one negative thing I would even say about JW. Decisions may not always be what I would have done or said or made, but he has had some experiences that most will never endure. Do they make you stronger... wiser... smarter...? I would definitely say so.

I have only positive things to say about J. He is my only brother and I can't express how proud I am for him and about him. He has faced some of the ugliest demons and continues to come out of the darkness. This is living proof that God is not done with him and the best is yet to come. (Not to get all Joel Osteen on you).

I am going to go David Letterman on you instead and give you a top 10 of things I absolutely love about J.W.

10. I am so proud of the decisions you are making for the direction in your life.
9. I am so excited to have you as my only brother.
8. Your strength and control over your choices is greater than I will ever know.
7. Your hardwork and dedication to achieving your dream/goal is greater than I will probably ever experience.
6. Your love for your son is so powerful that it controls many of your decisions. (AWESOME)
5. You are finding out who "JW" truly is (most people never get the opportunity to find their true identity).
4. You are facing your true identity. (Many people may find their true identity, but they never really look it eye-to-eye).
3. You got to experience, first hand, what happens when you try to hide from God and he finds you. (Again... AWESOME... who really gets that encounter).
2. You are getting out of living in shadows and becoming the shining light that has been there all along.
1. That shining light is much greater and stronger than all of the shadows you have been chasing for so long.

I just wanted for everyone to be able to see and comment on just how awesome, strong, courageous, dedicated, incredibly funny, etc. my brother truly is. Many of you know him first hand and can totally relate to everything I am saying. Those of you that don't, maybe this will be a glimpse into an awesome individual.

These are just some things that I don't think he hears enough... but should.

WE LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Debbie said...

Jamie and JW: I love you both with all my heart and would do anything for either of you. You don't know how many times I wish that I could have taken your Mother's place. God chose to not give me biological children, but still He blessed me with four wonderful, spiritual children. (On a lighter note, both of you, Curt and TH are about all I can handle.) I am so proud of you both.

JW: I love you!! I am earnestly praying for you and claiming God's promises for you. You are a wonderful person with a mighty and powerful testimony. God loves you and you are His child. I am writing you a letter to share with you at your graduation.

Kristen said...

I love J! He is a great bro. and a GREAT partner in crime-ha ha!

mamaw said...

"Ankle" J"
Hey honey, Yes you are so awesome. God has given you a strength that is amazing. Remember how you wouldn't leave the house without your Bible. That is where you will find the answer and strength you need. You held onto Psa 27 and Psa 91. J I would have given anything to have gotten you both when your Mother died but wasn't possible. She knew we would do all in our power to take care of you. God loves you so much and He will bring you through (that's the key word == through) all of this. Rely on what you know and take everything to God. Wait for the still small voice and know God is speaking to you. We love you so very much and we are always so proud of you. J there isn't anyone who hasn't made bad decisions so don't think you are the only one. I really mean - no one. You take one day at a time and let Got work through you. You have so much to give. OOPS! enough preaching. Love you much, Mamaw and Papa