Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all of the mommy's, regardless of what or who you are the mommy of.

Today, being Mother's Day, has made me stop and think of what things would be like if I was not a mommy.

You might think I am going to write about the tremendous amount of sleep I would get or the new clothes I would buy for me or the vacations to fabulous places I would take, etc. No way... There is not one thing in life that I have missed out on or am missing out on.

My life would be so empty without my little princess. What I have learned from Kaelin:
1. What good is a bath if you don't have bubbles? She is so right, there is absolutely no reason to even waste good water if you don't have any bubbles to add to it.
2. Flowers really smell. How many of you really stop to look at every flower and even stick your nose into them to smell them? This is one of Kaelin's favorite things to do. We actually have to lean down and look at and smell every flower we see. Prior to Kaelin, I enjoyed flowers, but nothing to the extent that I do now. I truly see flowers for what God intended us to see them as. Why did a two (almost three) year old have to teach me this?
3. Enjoy music... I mean truly enjoy music. If you hear music, shake your body a little, begin dancing... even if it is just a commercial. Kaelin's love for music just keeps increasing by the day. When we are in the car, she asks, "What is this song about?" This has caused me to stop, listen to the music, and then think about what the song is about. Then translate that to a two (almost three) year old. Try it... you will know all about the songs on the radio. Quite enjoyable...really.
4. Chores... there is no such thing. Kaelin finds such joy in things that I consider drudgery. If you have never seen Kaelin wash dishes, you should. She looks forward to the end of dinner just so she can wash dishes. She loves for me to take clothes out of the dryer just so she can help fold. I am attempting to find that kind of joy in chores. Maybe it will make them enjoyable and something I actually look forward to doing. Try it....
5. If it is funny, laugh... uncontrollably... She finds some of the craziest things funny. And when she starts laughing and squealing, I just naturally join in because she is having such a good time. Try laughing at funny things, you will feel better.
6. Clothing... Optional... I try to refrain from running in the yard with no clothes, (the neighbors prefer it that way). Don't be ashamed, afraid, or embarrassed about who you are. Just go with the flow.
7. If you have to go... Go... (Yes I am referring to Kaelin's bad habit of using the backyard as her own personal urinal). No I don't use the grass as a restroom, but she is right in her thinking. Don't let little things slow you down, just work around them.
8. Royalty... being true royalty is not something you are born into. It is a mindset. Kaelin has it. Dress in things that make you feel like a princess. Dance or spin as though you are a princess. Wear shoes (you knew shoes would make their way into the blog) that make you feel like a princess. Refer to yourself in third person "The princess would like a snack." Do things that make you feel as though you rule the world.
9. Strangers... what... I am unfamiliar with that word. Kaelin does not meet a stranger. She wants to tell everyone Hi. She often asks why they (referring to whoever she is trying to talk to) did not say Hi. She is so friendly. She meets any and everyone. If I could only follow her lead. She is so outgoing and is genuinely happy to talk to people.
10. Stuffed animals, blankies, silk sheets.... all comfort items. Putting Kaelin to bed is a checklist of things to accomplish. She has to be surrounded by things that provide her with a feeling of comfort and security. Hello... life lesson... surround yourself with things that provide comfort to you. People... things... etc.

So on to the countdown... We are now six days away from the two year old turning three...

I have decided to give her a week long celebration. We are trying to do things that Kaelin likes and eating her favorite meals all week long. Todd says "What is different than any other week?"... Ha Ha... The difference is, she is going to get to open her presents throughout the entire week and we are going to do extra special stuff that we don't always get to do.

Dinner Menu:
Tonight we had Fruit Loops cereal for dinner. Yes, that is a Kaelin favorite.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Happy Mother's Day, Jamie!
You are just the sweetest mommy! I love that you are going ahead of me and helping me a long this journey! I love you!!!!